Corning Way-Finding Signage Master Plan - Corning, IA

The City of Corning hired JBC to Master Plan and design a legible pedestrian and vehicular way-finding signage system. Corning is a Main Street of Iowa community. The iconic features of Corning are in no short supply including the historic opera House, Johnny Carson birthplace, steepled rooftops, and downtown's steep slope on Davis Ave to name a few.

JBC facilitated an analysis and programming workshop with community stakeholders, where the community identified a common downtown/Main Street theme for the family of signage.

JBC continued with the motifs of Corning's downtown/Main Street, developing several concepts for pedestrian and vehicular way-finding signage along State Highway 128. JBC carefully considered Iowa DOT standards for size, color, and font. JBC received final approval from the DOT and the City is now procuring the signage.



  • Adams County Chamber of Commerce

  • Adams Community Economic Development Corporation

  • City of Corning

  • Iowa Department of Transportation
